If you are in the process of starting a dental practice, or you’ve recently opened one, it is smart to get up-to-date with the trending dental technologies of the future. Direct from a trusted Oxford House Dentist Milton Keynes, here are the top trending dental technologies to consider by new dentists for every dental startup.
6 Trending dental technologies for dental startups
All major medical industries are integrating quality digital technology into their range of offerings. While the dental industry is currently evolving, here are the top six trending dental technologies to integrate into your dental startup plans today.
Utilizing the best in modern technology, CEREC allows you to take a series of images in 3D, which you can then use to create a digital impression of the tooth. From there, you can create the desired work, such as a crown, inlay, or veneer. This can be done in real time, and patients can watch while you work. It’s a great service to offer because clients will see the results they can expect and get them fitted at the same time, as the restoration is created on demand in your practice. If you’re starting a dental practice, why not dedicate time to exploring this option for yourself?
- Regeneration of Dental Pulp
In the past, there were very few options for restoring precious dental pulp. These days, regeneration is possible with an innovative stem-cell treatment which saves teeth from requiring extensive root canals. Whole tooth regeneration slowly takes place over up to eight weeks, but this is definitely worth it in terms of providing superior patient outcomes.
- Regeneration of Dentin
The way we treat dentin has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. What used to require lots of amalgam now requires much less. Instead, the treatment of choice supports dentin’s recovery. In one study, it was found dentin could regenerate after six weeks of treatment with stem cells found in tooth pulp. While still in the testing stage, this will certainly be a game changer when it’s available for all.
- EAER Technologies
Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation, or EAER, allows dentists to remineralise and strengthen teeth without the use of drilling, fillings, needles, or any other invasive procedures which often cause pain and loss of tooth structure. This option will truly revolutionise dentistry, so if you are starting a dental practice, why not consider adding it to your list of services?
- Diagnodent
Diagnodent is an innovative new technology that helps dental professionals discover decay earlier than ever before. In a convenient portable device, which you could shift from room-to-room if necessary, it uses sound pulsation and laser to discover cavities much earlier than even x-rays can. With this method at hand, your dental startup can provide better quality preventative treatments, reducing the number of fillings your patients get (if you choose to give them) and increasing the oral health of your patient base across the board.
- CAD/CAM technology
Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing will one day completely revolutionize the dental industry, as it has done to most medical professions. These days, CAD and CAM are used by dentists to create precise fitting and attractive looking implants, crowns, and bridges.
Crowns, implants, and bridges are normally fitted over multiple appointments, but with this approach, you can reduce the number of appointments down to a single visit. This is a great solution for busy patients, who often put off having treatments which require multiple steps.
All these trending dental technologies have the power to revolutionize the quality service you provide to your patients. Which offerings do you think would fit your dental start-up? If you keep your view towards the future, your business will be able to deliver innovative dental services for years to come.
Author Bio:
Susan works at Oxford House Dental Practice, a pioneer in quality dentistry since its establishment in 1954. With its large, private car park, familiar exterior, friendly attitude of surgeons and the full range of dental treatments, it is a well-known dentist in Milton Keynes.