The HHS Releases the HIPAA Security Risk Assessment Tool

Conducting your Risk Assessment for HIPAA can seem like a monstrous task, and the template from the ADA HIPAA Compliance Kit is useful, but can seem overwhelming to most dental offices. Thankfully, the HHS has released a free software-based HIPAA Risk Assessment Tool to aide in the task.

How do I use the Security Risk Assessment Tool?

The tool is available for download on website, and will work on any Windows system as well as the Apple iPad (a free download in the Apple Store). What you get is an application with a step-by-step guide along with explanations for each portion of your risk assessment.

Once you launch the application, you are presented with specific questions that refer to documented portions of the HIPAA law. When you click Yes or No, you will be shown an explanation of what kinds of action you might need to take to comply with HIPAA for that item.

Does this tool make me compliant?

The HIPAA Security Risk Assessment Tool guides you through the first step to compliance – identifying possible risks to your dental office, and network issues that your dental IT solution can look into. However, full compliance will come with completing the assessment, and documenting each of the policies and procedures that you modify or create during the process. What’s nice about this app, is that you are guided through each step and given good documentation about the Why’s and How’s to accompany the legalese of the HIPAA law.

The HIPAA Security Risk Assessment tool comes with the disclaimer that it is for informational purposes only. However, as dental IT specialists and experts in HIPAA compliance, we have seen that having your risk assessment complete is the single most important piece of documentation for your dental practice, as it serves as your documented roadmap to HIPAA compliance; documenting and taking action where necessary will greatly reduce your risk of data breach.

Remember that dmi Networking, Inc is offering free HIPAA consultations in the Bay Area.

HIPAA Security Risk Assessment Tool from HHS