How to Hire a Social Media Manager for Your Dental Practice

Is it really necessary for a dental practice to have a social media presence?

If you’re a dentist yourself, you may be wondering this same question. Although you might think that patients don’t use social media when it comes to selecting their dentist, recent studies beg to differ.

In fact, research has shown that social media actually plays a huge role in how patients go about choosing a dentist. Facebook is now the new word-of-mouth.

Additionally, social media allows you to create personality behind your brand and foster relationships that may otherwise not cultivated. When used as a proper tool, it generates not only repeat-buyers but customer loyalty.

Hire a Social Media Manager to Improve Your Brand Visibility

Unfortunately, the biggest reason why dentists steer away from social media is because they don’t have the time to manage it all. That’s where a social media manager comes in. Whether you decide to hire an independent contractor or a social media manager on staff, the benefits of hiring a professional are plenty!

But because you an active professional taking care of your patients, you should let a social media professional take care of your Facebook account for you. In other words, you need to learn how to hire a social media manager for your dental practice.

So How Do You Find The Right Person to Manage your Social Networks?

With so many people claiming to be a “social media expert” these days, you really have to create a thorough ad for hire to find the right person. Your ad must clearly state the goals you are looking to accomplish through social media marketing and what the of qualifications the social media manager should have.

We know dentists are busy, so we’ve created a short checklist to help you hire a social media manager.

1. Create a thorough hiring ad

This is where you can define what success means to you and what your ideal new hire should look like. Be thorough with your ad. Research Social Media job descriptions and create one that reflects your goal as a business. Most importantly, ask for samples! Your applicants should be able to send in writing samples, links to their social media networks, etc. Try to choose at least 10 good candidates.

2. Ask others for a recommendation to hire a social media manager

One of your dental colleagues may already be working with a social media manager or consultant that they trust and like. Ask your social media networks for a recommendation or post a request on LinkedIn. You may also want to think of other professionals directly for a personal recommendation.

3. Post your ad on Facebook groups

Many people post their ads on Craigslist in order to search for qualified candidates, but you may benefit from also doing a post on certain Facebook groups that hire freelance social media managers. This way you will not get inundated with resumes and can already begin your screening process online. Search for groups that have the word “freelancer” in it or other groups that are geared towards entrepreneurs.

4. Check their social media networks

To help narrow down your applicants try Googling their names and searching for their social media networks. This is a useful tip when you are looking to hire a social media manager. If they really are the superstar social media expert that they claim, then they should have a pretty good following on social media. You can also tell a lot about someone through their social networks such as their successes, their values, and their work ethic. If you aren’t able to figure this out through their social media, just ask! You want to be sure your values align with each other.

5. Give a sample assignment

Once you have narrowed down your applicants, give them all a sample assignment. This will help you to truly get to know their work and see if they’re a good fit for your business and team. Ask your potential hire to create a graphic for your social media channel or an example Facebook status that they would create if they were hired onto your team.

6. Check with references

Before you decide on your final candidates, ask for references. Don’t be afraid to reach out to these references and ask them questions about your potential hire. You can also check their Linkedin account for recommendations.

Overall, you should hire a social media manager that you trust – an individual who resonates with the company culture and values of your organization. Pay close attention to their listening skills and how well they communicate with you. Your personal brand for your dentistry practice is important, so hire someone who can meet your needs fully.

About the Author:

Jula Pereira is the owner of On Time Social, a social media marketing company that helps licensed professionals with Facebook and LinkedIn.

How to Hire a Social Media Manager for your Dental Practice