Let’s face it, even if you know the various tips and tricks to improve the performance of your Windows 10 or Mac OS, it wouldn’t matter if you don’t know how to start with the basics.

A cluttered desktop is one of the reasons for slow computer performance. Keeping a clean desktop screen will not only help your computer perform faster, but it can also improve your organization skills especially with your dental patients and clients.

Cleaning your desktop is not rocket science. It’s simply keeping things in order and keeping them that way. Having a clean desktop isn’t always possible, so it’s only natural that you tidy it after a long day of dental work.

To do that, here are some tips to help you keep your computer desktop clean and organized:

Get Rid of Duplicate Files

We’ve all been guilty of duplicating files just because we’re supposed to use them later, but then we tend to completely forget all about them. If you really want a clean and organized desk, delete all those duplicates and start differentiating everything that’s still needed from those that are not.

As for the original copies of files, your desktop is not the right place to store them, no matter how organized they are. Place them in a proper storage like a hard drive. Make sure that they’re password-protected to protect the confidential information about your patients.

Sort Files in a Large Folder

After sorting, create folders that will classify the files you’ve selected. As a dental practitioner, you should think of the most organized way to classify them. You can group them according to their cases. It’s best if you keep them in alphabetical order, so it’s easy for you to pull up documents that you might need in the future.

Create Subfolders

Yes, you may have organized them inside large folders, but that doesn’t mean they are already organized. They may look organized on the outside but inside of these folders, they are still cluttered. If they still need classification once inside the large folders, make a new subfolder to group them.

Set a “To-do folder”

If you don’t like the idea of seeing multiple folders that are grouped all together in a section of your wallpaper, create one that will house all the files that you’ll need for your daily operations. You can also put the profiles and information about patients who scheduled an appointment with you, so you won’t have to look for it before you start.

Use Sectioned Wallpapers

Wallpapers play a big role in making your desktop look calming. Of course, if you choose one that’s full of details or has loud designs in it, it will still look cluttered even if there are no more multiple folders or files displayed on your desktop.

It’s best if you choose a wallpaper that has colors that are pleasing to the eyes. Choose the pretty ones like flowers, serene beach view, or even a motivational quote. You can also customize your wallpaper by making labeled sections that you can categorize your desktops folders with.

You can also install desktop customization tools if you want a more advanced way of organizing your files. Once you’re done with those files, transfer them to the hard drive to have a fresh and clean desktop the next day.

Delete Files in Downloads Folder

Don’t keep files inside your Downloads folder for they can chop off a great amount of memory in your computer that can result in sluggish performance. If you downloaded a file that you might need in the future, store them in a folder instead.

Don’t let them linger inside a folder along with other downloaded files. Always make it a point to have a fresh start every day, so you won’t have to keep unnecessary files on your desktop computer.

Schedule a Cleanup Day

Cleanup days can be as seldom as once a month and as often as once a week. It will always depend on your workload. If you got your hands full for the whole day, you can do it once a week.

But if you happen to be free after a long day of dental consultations and treatments, it’s best if you just take a couple of minutes to organize everything. Delete what needs to be deleted, sort files that need to be sorted, and put away information that you won’t be needing the next day.

Stick to Your Organizational Plan

Create an organizational plan that will work well with your busy schedule. Once you’ve thought about your personalized organizational plans, make sure to stick with it. If not, you’ll find yourself having the same problem, or worse, losing profiles and files about your clients.

How your desktop looks is a reflection of how organized you are as a person and a professional. If you want to live a career life that’s free from worries about losing files of clients and patients, start organizing your desktop. Avoid procrastination and save yourself from the misery of hunting files in numerous folders on your desktop.

About author:

Alex Gomez is a social media professional who dabbles as a freelance tech writer and photographer. This gadget and car enthusiast also plays video games and keeps himself updated on technology news in his spare time.

How to Keep Your Desktop Clean and Organized